Thanks for your interest in OpenCollar. Hopefully you'll find it useful in your creations. Installing it in a custom collar is pretty simple. Here are the steps:
1 - COPY THE CONTENTS - Copy the OpenCollar guts into the root prim of your collar (by "guts" I mean scripts, anims, notecards, objects, and textures that come in the contents of the basic OpenCollar). You should have your root prim be an invisible ball in the front of the collar, as this will make the source of the leash particles look the best, and is also required by the coloring and texturing scripts.
2 - SET A UNIQUE DATABASE PREFIX - The OpenCollar scripts use the free database to remember settings. To prevent your settings from being overrwritten by other people's collars, you can set your own database prefix. In the Description field of the root prim, change "oc_" to whatever prefix you would like, such as your initials, or the abbreviated name of your store.
3 - NAME THE ELEMENTS OF THE COLLAR - The color and texture changing scripts can apply a color or texture to a group of prims at once. To enable this feature, give all matching elements in your collar the same Description. For example, the free OpenCollar object has 3 prims with the word "Metal" in their descriptions. Then when you use the color and texture features of the scripts, you can set the color or texture for these 3 prims at once. (It is a good idea to look how the single prims of the OpenCollar are named, in Objectname and Description!)
NOTE 1: The coloring and texturing scripts will not set color or texture for the root prim. This is another reason to have the root prim be an invisible ball in front of the collar.
NOTE 2: There may be some elements of your collar that you do not want to have appear in the texture, color, or hide menus. To prevent an element from appearing in the texture or color menus, put "~notexture", "~nocolor", and/or "~nohide" after the element name in that prim's Description field.
NOTE 3: The Label-prims
There are 6 Label prims which are cylinders, cut 0.001 and 0.074, they have to be exactly like this else the label texturing with letters wont work! Each of these prims has a name like Label~0, Label~2, Label~4 ... this is to identify which letters of the label text shall be on which prim. As each prim hold 2 letters it starts at 0 and the last one is 10 for 12 possible letters.
4 - REMOVE THE UPDATE SCRIPT - OpenCollar automatically has a new version of itself sent when an update is available. If you put the scripts in your own prims, however, you probably don't want this feature. Delete the "OpenCollar - Update" script from the object's contents, and your customers won't be bugged with automatic updates for the free OpenCollar.
5 - RESET THE SCRIPTS - Select your collar object using the Edit tools and click "Tools->Reset Scripts in Selection" in the SL menu.
6 - CHECK PERMISSIONS - Make sure you have left all of the OpenCollar guts full perms. You can apply whatever permissions you want to the *prims* containing the OpenCollar system, but the scripts, notecards, textures, animations, etc, must always remain full perms.
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